Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - GREYC

CNRS GREYC building

CNRS-GREYC is a UMR research unit placed under the joint responsibility of CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research), University of Caen Normandy and ENSICAEN. It is a laboratory of over 220 membres which covers all research and academic skills in the field of computer science, electronic and electrical engineering in Normandy. The research themes developed in the laboratory focus on both fundamental and methodological aspects - models, new concepts – as well as practical achievements: application development and software platforms, design and production of electronic devices.

laurence mechin Dr. Laurence Méchin Researcher at CNRS. Thin film deposition and microfabrication of the LSMO sensors.


stephane flament Prof. S. Flament Professor at ENSICAEN. Magneto-optical Kerr microscopy and characterisation of LSMO sensors.

mark lam chok Dr. M. Lam Chok Sing Associate professor at ENSICAEN. Low-noise electronics dedicated to LSMO magnetoresistive sensors.

Bruno Guillet Dr. Bruno Guillet Associate professor at UNICAEN. Low frequency noise measurements of the LSMO magnetoresistive sensors.

Luiz Guilherme Enger Luiz Guilherme Enger PhD student. Thin film deposition, microfabrication, design & characterisation of the LSMO sensors.


Victor Pierron Victor Pierron Engineer. Thin film deposition & microfabrication of the LSMO sensors.


Former members:

Olivier Rousseau Dr. Olivier Rousseau Post-doctoral researcher (17 months, Feb. 2017-Sept. 2018). Thin film deposition, fabrication and characterisation of the LSMO sensors.


Sandeep Kumar Dr. S. K. Chaluvadi Post-doctoral researcher (7 months, Feb.-Aug. 2018). Thin film deposition.


Sandeep Kumar Francisco Frantz Engineer (8months, Oct. 2017-May 2018). Magneto-optical Kerr set-up.


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